Harlots Sauce March Book Reviews

All Her Father’s Guns by James Warner

ISBN: 978-0984260027

Trade Paperback: 200 pages

Vox Novus (January 7, 2011)

13.95 USD


reviewed by Nigel Voight


They say “don’t judge a book by its cover” and in this case that adage is indeed apt. James Warner’s All Her Father’s Guns is a cleverly-orchestrated story of bone-dry wit. The author skewers everyone from the Berkeley Left to the Gun Toting Right. I thought I would find this irritating after a while, as Warner is British, but then he starts in on them, too. Anyone who reads this will recognize the acerbic poignancy of an intelligent man who is clearly disenchanted with what others have written as quaint human fallibility but he sees quite differently.  And yet, you’ll laugh. Well done. This is a four and half pasta plate book that loses a half a plate, because writing like this deserves a cover as brilliant as the work itself. I sincerely hope it sells enough copies for a reissue as I wonder how many readers will pass it up because of that.


The Peach Keeper

by Sarah Addison Allen

Hardcover: 288 pages

Bantam (March 22, 2011)

ISBN: 978-0553807226

25.00 USD






Before the Swarm by Nicholas Griffin


Format: Kindle Single

Print Length: 24 pages

The Atavist (March 6, 2011)


1.99 USD


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