“And Suddenly I Realized My Liabilities Were My Assets” Malissa Feruzzi Shriver, Chair of the California Arts Council, at The Women’s PowerStrategy Conference 2012

by Patricia V. Davis     In March, we held our first Women’s PowerStrategy Conference. For those who didn’t see last month’s post, The Women’s PowerStrategy Conference is “a gathering of leaders from diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise who are joining forces to educate and inspire women of all ages to believe and invest […]

A Message from Editor-in-Chief, Patricia V Davis about The Women’s PowerStrategy Conference

Dear Readers: March is Women’s History Month. The fact that women have a “history month” only serves to convince me that we’re still considered a minority and still compartmentalized, just like every other group that is given a “history month.” To me, these sorts of concessions are designed to get us to sit down, shut […]

Podcast Interview with Geraldine Ferraro

by Patricia V. Davis (Editor’s Note: This interview was converted from analog tape to MP3 nine months after Ms. Ferraro’s passing, in honor of Italian American Heritage Month 2011.) Five years after her historic run for Vice President of the United States, I had the privilege of interviewing Geraldine Ferraro. It was 1989, and I’d […]

Salvaging the Sea: Podcast Interview with Sustainable Coral Grower, Ian McMenamin

by Patricia V. Davis I love Generation Y. They are redefining everything from how we communicate to how we overthrow governments.  And today, HS Radio interviews one Gen Y’er who is revolutionizing how we do business. Ian McMenamin is both an entrepreneur and an environmentalist. Not too long ago, it would have been hard to […]

Podcast Interview with Memoirists, Cathy Edgett and Jessica O’Dwyer: A Catastrophe…or a Calling?

by Patricia V. Davis So…things are going along fairly well, until your gynecologist tells you that, at age 32, you’re in early menopause.  That’s what happened to Jessica O’Dwyer. Things were going along fairly well in Cathy Edgett’s life, too, until, at age 55, she was told that she had breast cancer and that it […]

Podcast Interview with James Redford: “I Ask Myself ─ Even if Nothing Comes of It, Will it Enrich My Life by My Having Spent Time on It?’”

UPDATE ON James Redford Screening of MANN vs. FORD Wednesday, July 6, 7:00 p.m. at The Christopher B. Smith Rafael Film Center Director Maro Chermayeff and producer James Redford will introduce and discuss a screening of their powerful new documentary Mann v. Ford, focusing on one of the largest toxic-waste cases in American history. Just […]

Podcast Interview with author Scott James: “People Don’t Want the Government in their Bedrooms”

One of the best things about living in the Bay Area of San Francisco is that I get to meet and mingle with some of the most talented artists in the world: Amy Tan standing six feet away from me, singing “These Boots are Made for Walking” with the band, Los Train Wreck, as I […]

Podcast Interview with Michael Larsen & Elizabeth Pomada

San Francisco Writers Conference February 2012 __ It’s that time of the year again – when San Francisco, CA., hosts one of the best writers conferences in the industry- The San Francisco Writers Conference. It will be held in the beautiful Mark Hopkins Hotel with a fabulous line up of exciting guest speakers and three […]

Podcast Interview with Neil deGrasse Tyson: “We are Living in a Time of Scientific Illiteracy”

Like a number of other wonders now in my life, I came late to appreciating the importance of scientific knowledge for the common person. In high school, my lack of such was stupendously appalling. In 1970, when I was a freshman, I had a crush on a boy who came to class one day in […]

Podcast Interview with Joyce Maynard: “I Don’t Have to be The Good Girl Anymore”

  Joyce Maynard has a big mouth. It’s either that, or she has too much integrity to lie about anything, despite the fact that telling the truth often gets her into trouble. When you hear our podcast interview, you decide which it is. I first met Joyce Maynard when I signed up for one of […]